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Our reviews

(48 Reviews)
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January 01, 2022
Delicious food. Quickly made.

December 29, 2021
The Galouti was too salty. Mixed veg and mushroom sauces were too similar and too much sauces. Parathas we’re good. I would come again but will be careful next time.

December 29, 2021
The Galouti was too salty. Mixed veg and mushroom sauces were too similar and too much sauces. Parathas we’re good. I would come again but will be careful next time.

October 03, 2021
Really good; very tasty! Excellent portions. Very satisfied; will be back!

September 29, 2021
Everything tasted awesome, thanks so much!

September 18, 2021
Everything was great

September 09, 2021
Very nicely seasoned

August 22, 2021
Great food and service!